The First Ten Years of Consolata Missionaries in Taiwan

Thanksgiving Mass presided over by Mons. John Baptist Lee, Bishop of Hsinchu, Taiwan. Photos: Marco Bello

On September 21, the celebration for the ten years of presence of the Consolata Missionaries in Taiwan was held. The celebrations took place with a mass in the parish of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in Hsinchu, run by the missionaries since 2017.

By Marco Bello *

The beginning

It was September 12, 2014, when three missionaries landed at Taipei’s Taoyouan airport. Thus began the adventure of the Institute founded by Blessed Joseph Allamano in Taiwan. The three missionaries were: Father Eugenio Boatella (Spain), Father Mathews Odhiambo Owuor (Kenya) and Father Piero de Maria (Italy).

Presently, there are seven missionaries. Some have left and others have arrived. Father Jasper Kirimi, a Kenyan, who arrived in 2017, is the current coordinator of the Consolata missionaries in Taiwan. Father Caius Moindi, also a Kenyan, works with him in Hsinchu.

Fathers Bernado Kim (Korea) and Antony Chomba (Kenya) have taken charge of the parish of Saint Joseph in Xinpu, a city near Hsinchu, while Father Emanuel Temu (Tanzania) has been following the parish of Xinfong for some months, the third parish in order of time, run by the Consolata missionaries in Taiwan. The Fathers Thiago Giacinto da Silva (Brazil) and Pablo Souza Martin (Argentina) are currently studying the Chinese language.

The Bishop’s Voice

The ten-year celebration was attended by the bishop of Hsinchu, Monsignor John Baptist Lee, and the pro-chargé d’affaires of the Apostolic Nunciature of China, Taipei, Monsignor Stefano Mazzotti. In his long homily, Bishop Lee began by saying: “Today is a day of joy in which we celebrate ten years of contributions and sacrifices of the Consolata Missionaries in the Diocese of Hsinchu. It is not a long period in the history of the Church of Taiwan, but once you arrive in this land you face great challenges and difficulties and the Consolata Missionaries, in facing them, have shown us how to confront them with the grace of God. Lacking in vocations, the Diocese of Hsinchu is very grateful for the generosity of the Consolata in helping in the pastoral work.”

Mons. John Baptist Lee

The bishop then underlined how the origin of the missionaries has changed: «The Dicastery for Evangelization in the Vatican has seen a large number of African missionaries working in Europe, reversing the rule by which missionaries arriving from the old continent went to preach in Africa. Now the good news is that we see them arriving in the direction of Taiwan, in the diocese of Hsinchu».

Monsignor Lee asked local Christians to «work with the missionaries, support them and help them in the needs of the mission». Because, he said addressing them: «after all, each one of you is a missionary and it is your duty to participate in the evangelization process, living synodality to the full».

The Consolata Missionaries in Taiwan

Father Jasper Kirimi, who arrived in 2017, the coordinator of the missionaries in the country, after the celebration told us: «It was really exciting. First of all, because I saw the videos with the testimony of those missionaries who used to work here (short videos of good wishes and greetings were shown after the celebration of the mass. Editor Note). I worked with all of them and a lot of time has gone by since they were here. When I arrived, I thought I would not stay for a long time here, it has been really hard. Learning this language and the culture that is so different. Still, I am here. Secondly, the participation of people today was really important. I believe the people came also for the Consolata Missionaries. This means that there is a new reference that brings together the Christians of Taiwan and it is precisely the presence of the Consolata missionaries. Our Blessed Founder Joseph Allamano, who is about to become a saint, had never imagined we would arrive to this far land”. Father Jasper concluded: “Taiwan is very different from Africa and Latin America. We are here to learn a new way of doing mission”.

From Asia

A delegation of Consolata missionaries working in Asia came to Taiwan for the occasion. From Mongolia, Father Dieudonné Mukadi Mukadi (Congolese), and from Korea, Father Pedro Han Kyeong Ho (Korean) and the superior of the Asia Region, Fr. Clement Kinyua Gachoka. 

According to Father Clement: «We are the youngest presence in the diocese. Since 2014, eleven Consolata missionaries have passed through Taiwan, and I want to thank all of them for their contribution. It is a young presence that has faced many challenges: the language, the culture, and the difficulty of adapting to it. On the other hand, there has been the perseverance the missionaries have had and the collaboration with the church of Hsinchu, at all levels. The celebration of the first ten years gives us hope that despite the challenges, difficulties and fears, the journey will continue and the presence will be a significant one».

Remembering Blessed Joseph Allamano, Father Clement said: «We are one month away from his canonization in Rome and a little more than a year from the hundredth anniversary of his death. I believe he is happy and looks at us with pride and esteem, because he sees that we are following the mission he dreamed about. This encourages us to find answers to the current challenges of the church of Hsinchu».

After the celebration, the feast continued with the presence of the parishioners of Xinpu and Xinfong, as well as several friends and members of congregations who came from the capital Taipei.

Video greeting sent by General Councillor Father Mathews Odhiambo Owuor, one of the first three missionaries to arrive in Taiwan in 2014

* Marco Bello, Missioni Consolata magazine director, from Hsinchu (Taiwan) with the help of Lucia Ku (for translations).

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