Emotional Intelligence Formation The topic of formation in emotional intelligence, included in the program of the ongoing formation course for IMC formators, was presented by Prof. Giuseppe Crea, a Comboni missionary (MCCJ), and professor of Psychometric Techniques and Psychology of Orientation at the Pontifical Salesian University of Rome.
Father Giampaolo Lamberto: “This one, I won’t let go of him any more!” An Italian Consolata missionary in South Korea, he recounts encountering for the first time Joseph Allamano, when in the 1980s, as a boy, he received a book about the Founder.
Kenya: Thanksgiving Mass for the canonisation of Blessed Josehp Allamano In Kenya, country that welcomed the first Consolata missionaries in 1902, the Thanksgiving Mass of his canonization will be help on 09th November 2024 at the University of Nairobi Grounds.
Father Joseph Inverardi: The Founder, Father and Teacher Father Inverardi, from the Animation Center in Dar-es-Salaam in Tanzania, shares his reflections on the Founder that he recognizes as “Father and Teacher”.
Sister Pina del Core: self-care of the formator Taking care of oneself to accompany the growth of others. This was the topic presented by Sister Pina del Core, FMA, on Friday 6 September, to the Consolata Missionary formators, during the on-going formation course taking place in Rome.
Father Nicholas Muthoka: “Formation and mission go together” The ongoing course for formators addresses various topics. “Formed in the Charism of the Consolata Missionary Institute” was the topic presented by Father Nicholas Muthoka, IMC, on the afternoon of Thursday, September 5.
The program for the canonization of Blessed Allamano We are nearing the end of a journey, little time is left before we celebrate the canonization of Blessed Joseph Allamano, so, like pilgrims on a journey, we want to live this stage of preparation as an opportunity for change.
Kenya: Fr. Jude Katende Successfully Defends Doctoral Dissertation The Consolata missionary, Fr. Jude Katende, made an indelible mark in the academic and theological community during the public defense of his doctoral dissertation on the 6th of September 2024 at The Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA).
Fr. Giacomo Mazzotti: “Allamano and the formation today” “Charisma and formation: Allamano and the formation today” was the theme presented by the Postulator of the Consolata Missionary Institute, Fr. Giacomo Mazzotti, at the ongoing formation course for formators in Rome on Wednesday 5th September 2024.
Prof. Méthode Gahungu: emerging issues in formation In the second day of the formation course for formators the 13 participants from the three continents (Africa, Europe, America) engaged in-depth analysis of the reality of formation in the Institute, especially regarding the novitiate and post-novitiate years.
Rome: The formators’ visit to the community of Porta Pia The group of formators gathered in Rome for the ongoing formation course visited the formative community of Porta Pia - Nomentana - on Saturday 7 September.
Spiritual journey 3: “The Founder and the Mission” In continuity with the spiritual journey proposed by the two General Councils, IMC – MC, and in preparation for the canonization of Blessed Joseph Allamano, we publish the third reflection entitled “The Founder and the Mission”.
The miracle performed in the Amazon confirms the Charism The miracle performed through the intercession of Blessed Joseph Allamano confirms the Charism bequeathed to his missionaries, whom he sent ad gentes.
Short visit to the Catrimani Mission After 6 hours of waiting due to bad weather, the small four-seater plane departed from Boa Vista towards the Catrimani Mission (about 150 kilometers in a straight line), an area within the State of Roraima, in the land of the indigenous people Yanomami which is part of the greater Brazilian Amazon
The patient man My dear friends, if you have never met a patient man, then I will present one to you today. He is none other than Bd. Joseph Allamano. Usually, the saints are known to have various key qualities, which identify their being. It was not until recently however, that I discovered this particular aspect of the founder of the Consolata Missionaries and the Consolata Missionary Sisters: patience.
Spiritual journey: “The Founder and the Eucharist” In continuity with the spiritual journey proposed by the two General Councils, IMC – MC, and in preparation for the canonization of Blessed Joseph Allamano, we publish the second reflection entitled “The Founder and the Eucharist”. The invitation is to “listen to a Father who loves his sons and daughters, sitting around Him, feeling Him […]
In the shoes of Fr. Joseph Allamano On 11th may 1925 Father Joseph Allamano wrote a letter to his missionaries who were scattered in different missions. By that time the Consolata missionaries were already in Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia and Mozambique. The Founder was practically at the end of his life. The following year he would be on his way to paradise.