We are an international and intercultural family of consecrated persons for the mission Ad Gentes, that is, throughout the world, in fraternal communion, in the profession of religious vows and with Mary Consolata as a model and guide. Our method of mission, inherited from the Founder, Blessed Joseph Allamano, is evangelization and human promotion.
Allamano left us the following characteristics:
• To do God’s Will always
• The Centrality of Christ (love for the Eucharist)
• Love for the Church and the Pope (Ecclesial communion)
• Family Spirit
• Dedication to work
• Devotion to Our Lady Consolata
Blessed Joseph Allamano founded two Religious Congregations: the Consolata Missionaries (Father and Brothers) (1901) and the Consolata Missionary Sisters (1910), both on 29 January. We are united by the same vocation Ad Gentes, under the motto: “They will proclaim my glory to the nations” (Is 66:19).

In the last few years, inspired by spirituality, the Founder’s evangelizing spirit and missionary witness of our missionary family, Consolata Lay Missionaries (CLM) and Consolata Young Missionaries (CYM) groups have been born. They are men and women who feel called to evangelization from their lay state of life, taking our lifestyle and spirituality, leaving for a certain time to a place of mission, after a process of training and preparation.
They also share the charism of Consolata’ Friends and Benefactors.
Currently, the Consolata Missionaries (priests and brothers) are approximately 1,000 in number worldwide, while the Missionary Sisters are about 600 in number.
All together we are present in 33 countries:
Europe: Spain, England, Italy, Poland and Portugal.
Africa: South Africa, Angola, Ivory Coast, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Madagascar, Mozambique, Kenya, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania, Uganda.
America: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Ecuador, United States, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela.
Asia: Kazakhstan, South Korea, Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan and Taiwan (China).