Bishop Peter Makau has praised the departed Consolata missionaries for their dedication to the mission. The Bishop was speaking on Friday November 15, 2024 in the chapel of the Consolata missionaries regional house in Nairobi, Kenya, during Mass to remember the souls of the departed members of the consolata missionaries.
By Fr Daniel Mkado*
The Holy Mass was organized by the consolata missionaries working in Nairobi and Lang’ata zone under the Kenya/Uganda Region.
In attendance were more than 35 consolata missionaries working in the two zones. The mass was also attended by the General Superior, Fr James Lengarin, Fr Michelangelo Piovano, the Vice General Superior and the other three councilors who are having there November General Council meeting here in Kenya.

“It is a moment where we are called to look at these our brothers and sisters and see the way they lived their life here on earth”, said bishop Makau at the beginning of Mass.
Fr Felix Mulwa, the superior of the regional house read the names of the 42 consolata missionaries who have died in the last one year: 19 priests, 22 Sisters and 1 Brother.
The bishop mentioned the names of some of the departed missionaries have either worked in Kenya or are very well known to the missionaries present.
He mentioned in a special way, Fr Giuseppe Demarie who was a vocations director, a spiritual director and a teacher of Latin to many in Kenya. He also mentioned Fr John Bonanomi, a formator to many, Fr Josiah KoKal, Fr Antonio Bianchi among others.
“Last year, we were together but this year, they are not with us. It reminds us that death is part and parcel of us and we don’t know next year November who will not be here”, said the bishop of Isiolo diocese.

The bishop challenged the missionaries that as they pray for the missionaries, they should also pray for the souls in purgatory that no one remembers to pray for.
Commenting on the Gospel of Mathew 25: 31-4, bishop Makau said that the reading reminds us of the last exam that the Lord will come to judge us, the questions that he is going to ask us.
“The word of the gospel, that says, ‘come you whom my father has blessed’ are the words that each one of us would like the Lord to pronounce to us” he said
The bishop challenged the missionaries to ask themselves if what they are doing is for the benefit of others or is for self-promotion.
“The tendency is always to look at what benefits me. Jesus has put this very clear in the Gospel that we have to think of the other, the other that is in need. It is this, that is going to make us attain the kingdom of heaven” he said. Adding that it is the small acts of charity that will make us have a room in heaven.

In his remarks after the Mass, Fr Lengarin, the Superior General, said that in praying for the dead, we celebrate their sanctity.
“It is a great joy for us to be part and parcel of you. We came here in order to do our November session while it is also to feel that this was the land that really made consolata missionaries to be what they are today”, said Father General.
He encouraged the missionaries to continue with the legacy that the departed consolata missionaries have left behind.
November 15th is a day set aside by the Consolata missionaries anda the Consolata Sisters to remember the departed members of the two congregation two congregations founded by St Joseph Allamano.
Fr Daniel Mkado, IMC, is the continental communication coordinator for Africa