Blessed Joseph Allamano always promoted a path of holiness for his sons and daughters, the Consolata missionaries.
Holiness, according to Allamano, is a priority in every apostolic activity. He taught that being precedes action. «First we must sanctify ourselves… and having become saints in a short while we will be able to carry out our mission among the people and with great results». Let us first sanctify ourselves and then others. The more holy someone is, the more souls he will save.
Joseph Allamano underlined that the first aim of our Institute is our sanctification, and then the missions. «First of all our sanctification and then the missions: the first thing we must do is this, if we don’t do it, nothing will be achieved. If we are not holy, we will not be good neither for ourselves nor for others. Nemo dat quod non habet (you can’t give what you don’t have)». Our founder reminds us that: «If you are not a saint… eh… you won’t achieve anything! Qui non ardet non incendit (he who is not ablased cannot enkindle others). We make the devil laugh».
Join us on October 20, 2024 to celebrate the canonization of Joseph Allamano, the one who gave us our missionary charism and taught us that holiness is the key to a fruitful mission. His life and teachings continue to guide us in our missionary commitment: to sanctify ourselves first and then the world.
* Communication IMC and MC.