Saint Joseph Allamano celebrated in Mongolia

Thanksgiving Mass in the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Photos: Dido Mukadi

February 16 is known to be the Feast day of the Consolata Missionaries fathers and sisters’ Founder. A day in which we recall his birth in heaven and we thank God for the gift of his life for us. Moreover, this year marked the first time we celebrated Joseph Allamano as a Saint following his canonization in Rome on October 20, 2024 by Pope Francis.

By Dido Mukadi *

To crown this day, Consolata Missionaries fathers and sisters working in Mongolia, together with the faithful Christian gathered in Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, Ulaanbaatar for the thanksgiving Mass. Coincidence made that this day be on a Sunday, thus, the Lord’s Day. The grandeur of joy on the faces of all was perceptively manifest.

The Mass started with a short liturgy rite of blessing of chasubles and stolas made for Saint Joseph Allamano canonization in Italy then, followed a procession that led the celebrant and concelebrants to the holy altar. Children, adults participated actively.

In fact, more than just being a feast for Consolata Missionaries, it was rather everybody’s feast. In his homily, the main celebrant, Bishop Cardinal Giorgio Marengo underlines this universal truth when he said: “In reality, celebrating a saint has a much deeper and wider value, because the saints recognised by the Church belong to everyone, they concern each one of us, they represent a great help that the Holy Spirit makes available to the entire Church”.

Still alive, Saint Joseph Allamano enriched the Church in her essential missionary nature reaching out people of every social rank, furthering Christian formation and education and, inviting all to journey toward the goal of holiness. After his canonization, he continues what he had being doing and this time, from heaven, he reaches and intercedes to every social being who seeks his interceding help.

Consolata Missionaries fathers and sisters working in Mongolia with the Cardinal Giorgio Marengo

It goes without saying that, there is not found discrepancy between what he lived and preached. “Saints first, then missionaries” remains the path he prioritized and desired in his apostolic activity, path that he taught his sons and daughters. A path he went through with all his human limitations and imperfections but still hoping that the Lord’s grace was sufficient to reach the goal of holiness.

To the Mongolian believers who participated in the mass, the celebrant reminded that “holiness is not a utopia, but is the reality in which we already live, thanks to the mediation of the Church; it is the air we breathe, the strength we can always draw on, the hope that makes us rise again after every fall”. In a small Christian catholic church that is in Mongolia, Saints Joseph Allamano’s hint for holiness can be inspiring and motivational to take us deeper and further into encountering Christ and loving him.

After the homily, the profession of faith and the prayer of the faithful, a procession with symbols were brought devoutly for offering, each gifts carrying the weight of its intension. Incense led the procession with its fragrance of blessings, followed by portraits of Saint Joseph Allamano, his relic and Our Lady of Consolata: gifts presented in renewal of our resolve to be available to do God’s holy will, asking him to kindly grant us the desire to be true missionaries; flowers: presenting to God the giver and creator asking Him to continue giving growth and bringing gentle rains of Spirit and ripening sun of blessings in our life for a joyful harvest; fruits: which represent our prayers to God to blossom, mature and ripen love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control in our lives; bread and vine: in which we offered our daily work so as  to be transformed into the Body and Blood of Christ and contribute to God’s saving purpose. 

After the Mass some faithful took a couple of pictures near the altar. We went to the hall of the Cathedral and had some good moment with all.

* Father Dido Mukadi, IMC, missionary Mongolia.

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