In the second day of the formation course for formators the 13 participants from the three continents (Africa, Europe, America) engaged in-depth analysis of the reality of formation in the Institute, especially regarding the novitiate and post-novitiate years. The course takes place in the general house in Rome, from 2 to 17 September.
By Josephat Mwanake *
The sharing highlighted positive aspects and areas of problematic issues concerning the personalities of the students who arrive at our centres with all the baggage of so many positives but also situations to be redeemed proper to these times, the methods of formation to be renewed, the role and preparation of the formators for whom good will alone is no longer enough to be wise accompaniers of these generations.

The formators were helped in this process of analysing and interpreting what had emerged by Father Méthode Gahungu, a diocesan priest of Burundi who studied Educational Sciences up to his Doctorate (1998) at the Salesian Pontifical University in Rome, where is currently a member of the Institute of Vocational Pedagogy as Director. His publications mainly concern the project orientation (planning, programming and evaluation, initial and ongoing formation, inculturated and intercultural formation) with application to priestly and religious formation.
In this video (in italian) produced by the Secretariat for Communication, Prof. Méthode Gahungu presents us with a summary of what was discussed during the morning session on the third day.

* Father Josephat Mwanake, IMC, Porta Pia formation community in Rome.