Rev Fr Peter Makau Munguti IMC, has been appointed for another three years as the Regional Superior for the Consolata Missionaries Kenya-Uganda Region on June 8, in a decree by the Superior General of the Consolata Mission Institute, Rev Fr Stefano Camerlengo, IMC, and subsequently took an oath of office on June 16.

The oath of office took place at the Consolata Shrine in Westlands, Nairobi, during the annual Consolata Day celebrations, which were attended by a host of members of the congregation.
The regional superior took the oath of office alongside the vice regional superior, Rev Fr Zachariah Kariuki IMC, and other members of the regional council: Fr Ochieng Peter Ndelo IMC, Fr Musito Joseph Wabwoba IMC, and Fr Lee Dong Uk (Benigno) IMC.
Three of the aforementioned councillors retained their offices in the June appointment with Fr Lee replacing Fr Cantore Ottone as the new fourth councillor in the regional council.
Fr Makau previously worked as the Regional Superior of the Consolata Missionaries in Venezuela and has been the superior for the Kenya -Uganda region for three years since August 6, 2019. He comes from Masii Parish in the Catholic Diocese of Machakos.