To the southern part of Ethiopia, Halaba zone of Central Ethiopia regional state, North West of Hawassa and South of Addis Abeba in the Catholic vicariate of Meki one finds St. Michael Archangel Catholic mission Halaba. The mission is the last of Meki vicariate as it boarders Hossana vicariate and the very latest to be opened by the Consolata missionaries in Ethiopia. Served by two priests; Abba Kidane Ashuro and Abba Takele WoldeMariam.
By Edgar Nyangiya *
Being in a town set up, the mission serves people of all walks of life including those from different places of Ethiopia working in Halaba town in sacraments, spiritual accompaniment and faith formation. The area is highly dominated by the people who profess Islam as their religion. However, the school run by the mission that is up to grade 6, being a home for close to 800 pupils has its doors open to children of all faiths.

The 21st of November was a joyous day for the parishioners as they marked two years since their inauguration. It was a beautiful celebration marinated in songs, ululations and dances. The church was nicely decorated to set the mood of the day. Some religious sisters, the clergy from Meki vicariate, Hossana Vicariate and the Consolata missionaries as the hosts were not left out. In his welcoming remarks, the father in charge Abba Kidane Ashuro could not hide his joy as he invited all the attendants. He saw this as a double blessing this year since it is about a month ago when Joseph Allamano the founder of Consolata missionaries was canonized.
On his part, Rev. Abrahama Desta the Bishop of Meki Vicariate who was the main celebrant, congratulated the Consolata missionaries as he shared the joy of having Joseph Allamano being declared a Saint. Noting that he is not the Saint of the Consolata missionaries but of the Church.

He went further ahead to point out that Allamano’s Sainthood is a blessing to the Church of Ethiopia since his initial idea was to send his missionaries to Ethiopia. By currently having his missionaries in Ethiopia and more particularly in Halaba mission, his dreams are being fulfilled. As he encouraged the missionaries for their commitment and great work, the bishop encouraged the Christian faithful to accept to be instruments of the word of God as Michael the Archangel was.
The young mission of Halaba was privileged to have the very first batch of about 20 Christians who received their sacrament of confirmation. Being the pioneers of this sacrament in the mission, the Bishop catechized them that they had received the Holy Spirit and therefore they had no excuse of being a gift of the Holy Spirit to other people. That in their own little ways, they should imitate St. Michael the Archangel in spreading the word of God without fear.

The celebration ended with a beautiful Eucharistic procession around the church. From the dances, ululations, songs, jubilations and even drumming was a clear evidence of how much the faithful were into the celebration. As the founder would rightly put it, we are one big family, in line with these beautiful words, the climax was in a shared meal as a confirmation that indeed we are one big family under the patronage of St. Michael the ArchAngel.
* Father Edgar Nyangiya, IMC, Region of Ethiopia.