Turin, October 25. It is a rainy morning, but the courtyard of the Mother House is already coming alive with the first groups of pilgrims, veterans of the three days in Rome and the two in Piedmont. Today the meeting place is the shrine of Saint Joseph Allamano at “his home”, in Corso Ferrucci. Preparations are in full swing in the church.
By Marco Bello *
We meet the group from Oujda, Morocco, the group from the Ivory Coast, the group from the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Mozambicans, the lay people from Brazil and Colombia. But also Father Jasper, a Kenyan who arrived from Taiwan, Father Dieudonné, a Congolese from Mongolia, and Mrs. Lina, from Kazakhstan together with a sister who works in the Central Asian republic. Just to name a few. Then the Europeans, and many friends of the missionaries from Turin and the neighborhood. The whole world is here.
Father Antonio and Father Sandro, in charge of the pilgrims reception in Rome and Piedmont, run around busily for the last details.

At the stroke of 10:30 the dancers enter the crowded church: they are the Consolata Sisters’ novices, dressed in African clothes with a dominant deep green. They dance and sing up to the altar followed by the five bishops and the priests who will concelebrate the mass. At the wings of the altar sit at least a hundred priests in their white habits, most of them Consolata missionaries. There are just as many Consolata missionary sisters, or perhaps more.
Father Gianni Treglia takes the floor and begins by exhorting those present: «Allamano!». And everyone responds: «Long live!». And Father Gianni again «Long live!» and everyone «Allamano!». And then, all together: «Thanks for giving us Joseph Allamano!».

The superior of the European Region thanks the Lord for the gift of Saint Joseph Allamano: «This is also the place of his missionary dream which, not being able to realize it personally, he did it by founding two missionary institutes. […] The very dream of God who desires that the all of humanity be saved. Joseph Allamano entrusted it to us, his missionary sons and daughters».
The celebration is presided over by Mons. Francisco Múnera Correa, IMC, Archbishop of Cartagena and President of the Colombian Episcopal Conference.
The readings are in Italian and Kiswahili.

Then Mons. Osório Citora Afonso, Mozambican and new auxiliary bishop of Maputo, addresses the homily: «After the splendor of St. Peter’s Square […] we went to those places that witnessed the daily life of St. Joseph Allamano, first to Castelnuovo Don Bosco, then to the Consolata shrine, and today here in the Mother House, where his tomb is located. It is a place that invites us to pause, in prayer, in meditation. A place that is also an oasis of relationship. It is a home. It is his dwelling from which he continues to spread blessings, encouragement and consolation».
Referring to the Gospel just read (Mark 16:14), Mons. Osorio says: «Jesus’ last gesture, that of sending the missionaries, took place in a home, a place of relationship, so it is not by chance that we too come to Allamano’s home to hear again the missionary mandate. It is in this home that we still hear: “Go and announce the Gospel”».

«Because a home is a place of life, of encounters, where religious and lay people try to live and witness their passion for the mission. Speaking of the family spirit, Allamano spoke of the home where people are together, where they live their daily lives. Home where the missionary mandate takes place: it is from here, home, that we start. […]».
He then recalls a famous phrase of the saint: «Allamano said: “Be extraordinary in the ordinary”.
To live this holiness, let’s start again from our homes, let’s start again from our relationships, from small things.
They left Turin many years ago, and they were almost all Piedmontese, and now there are so many of us here, from many parts of the world».

And to highlight this «universality» he asks: «Where did the miracle happen? Not in Turin, not in Rome, neither in a big city, but among the people of the Amazon».
An element this, of Joseph Allamano’s family reflected in the prayer of the faithful, read in many languages: English, Portuguese, French, Kiswahili, Italian and Spanish.
The celebration continues, we sing following the Italian choir directed by Father Sergio. The atmosphere is that of great celebrations. There is joy, there is a desire to live it all together, coming from many nations and peoples of the four continents, but in harmony.

Sister Lucia Bortolomasi, Mother General of the Consolata missionaries sisters, finally takes the floor, with her sweet but firm voice: «It is here that we want to express our gratitude to God and to Our Lady Consolata, for this immense gift, which is Saint Joseph Allamano. We want to thank all of you, friends, because you have been close to us in these days of celebration, and also because, in different ways, you accompany us in our mission. A very special thanks to all our missionaries, Fathers, Brothers, Sisters, and to those who are sick, that every day offer their prayers and their suffering to God for the proclamation of the Gospel, and to support us. They give us strength».

Then she adds: “We want to offer a special gift to Saint Joseph Allamano. We want to give him our commitment to live that holiness that he has always shown us. To be humble, simple presence of consolation, in everyday life.”
Father James Lengarin, superior general, visibly happy, almost euphoric, expresses his thanks: “I’m here to say thank you to all the people who got this organizational machine going. Everything went well, right?” And a round of applause breaks out for the organizing commission.
“All 35 countries in the world where we are present were represented at this special occasion. We are a big family, where members love each other.”
He thanks the Archdiocese of Turin, “where we were born and where we started. And also for the concrete help that came from here” to the missions.

He then remembers the deceased missionaries: “They are part of this great family. They helped us to be what we are today. Even in heaven everyone is celebrating.”
He thanks the European Region, the Mother House, and all the “brother bishops who participated”.
He concludes with a warm thank you “to all the pilgrims who came. We are all members of this family. Let us follow this saint. Let us bring consolation to the world and be sowers of hope.”
With the words of Father James, the celebration ends, but the feast continues, and the pilgrims flock to the tomb of Saint Joseph Allamano, to greet, to pray, but also to take photos, because from today there is a saint in the family.
* Marco Bello, Missioni Consolata magazine.
Mass of Thanksgiving at the San Giuseppe Allamano Shrine – Mother House in Turin