The Consolata Missionaries in the world, in their plan of life, have as ideal ongoing formations for their members. This year 2022, there were three formation groups for the missionaries working in Africa divided in two categories: five and ten years of profession/ordination. The former group did their formation in Bunju, Tanzania while the latter was divided into two groups: the English speaking, who had their formation in Sagana, Kenya, from July 1st to 31st, and the Portuguese speaking, who went to Maputo, Mozambique.
The group in Mozambique met in the Spiritual Centre of St. Paul, Laulane, and began their formation on August 1st, 2022 and were welcomed by the regional superior, Fr. Sisto, Imc. There were 14 priests participating in the formation, all of them working in Africa and Madagascar (Kenya, Tanzania, Congo, Angola, South Africa, Ivory coast and Mozambique).
The group was coordinated and led in their formation by four Consolata missionaries working in Mozambique: Frs. Joao Nascimento, Carlos Biella, Bruno Pipino and Cassiano Kalima, who is also the director of the centre.
The four-week formation was well divided with both theoretical and practical activities: human, spiritual, intellectual and social. The themes chosen for their formation were also enriching and encouraging: Life equilibrium, spiritual intelligence, biblical icons and conscience of fragility, been and believing, gratitude, mission and renovation.
On their stay in Maputo, the missionaries had the opportunity to visit some parishes run by the Consolata Missionaries, as well as the community of the Consolata sisters. The group also visited some projects ran by the Consolata Missionaries outside Laulane. A unique visit was to the salt company – “Salina De Batanhe, Mambone, Inhambane” – which was started and ran by the Consolata Missionaries.
The group was graced to have the general councilor, Fr. Godfrey Msumange, visit and share with them for the last 6 days in Laulane. The missionaries concluded their formation on August 30th with a general evaluation, a get-together sharing and Eucharistic celebration which was led by Fr. Msumange. All departed on August 31st, renovated and animated for the mission.
By Fr Michael Mutinda