The Consolata Missionary Family rejoices as 16 young missionaries make their first religious profession, marking the culmination of their novitiate, a period dedicated to deepening their spiritual lives, understanding the congregation’s charism, and growing in prayer and communion. Eight missionaries completed their novitiate in Sagana, Kenya, while the other eight were formed in Morogoro, Tanzania.
By Adolphe Mulengezi *
On the morning of August 3, 2024, people from across Kenya gathered in Sagana for the celebration. The eight young missionaries professing their vows in Kenya hail from countries such as the Democratic Republic of Congo, Tanzania, Mozambique, and Kenya.
The Mass was presided over by the Superior General of the Consolata Missionaries, Reverend Father James Bhola Lengarin, and concelebrated by numerous priests. Christians, religious, and laity alike were present to honor this significant occasion. In his homily, Father Lengarin emphasized the significance of the young missionaries’ decision to join the Consolata family.
He highlighted that “their choice is a commitment to serve God, seek Him, and dedicate themselves to the service of humanity.” Though they come from different countries, their mission transcends borders, serving people from all nations. Drawing from Genesis 12:1-4, where God calls Abraham to leave his homeland, Father Lengarin paralleled this with the missionaries’ willingness to leave their homes to serve God and His people. He concluded by encouraging the young missionaries to have faith and trust in God, who has called them to His service within the Consolata family.

As part of the ceremony, the young missionaries were given the constitution and the cross, symbolizing their commitment and the values of the congregation.
Father Geoffrey Kiria, the Novice Master who guided the newly professed throughout their year of novitiate, expressed his appreciation for their spiritual growth. He noted that “the novitiate is a precious time,” and he has witnessed these young men grow spiritually, understanding the charism of the congregation, and responding positively to God’s call.

Morogoro in Tanzania
Simultaneously, the Consolata Missionaries in Morogoro, Tanzania, celebrated their first religious profession. The Mass there was celebrated by Reverend Father Vedastus Kwajaba, delegated by the regional superior of Tanzania.
During an interview, Victus Tarimo, one of the eight young missionaries professing their vows in Morogoro, expressed his “joy and gratitude to the Lord for the gift of vocation and for the religious family he has joined. He also thanked his fellow novices for the shared journey of prayer, community life, talents, values, and joys experienced during their novitiate year.” Among the eight newly professed in Tanzania, there are two from Mozambique, three from Uganda, two from Kenya, and one from Tanzania.

Victus, a 26-year-old, gave special thanks to their Novice Master, Father Kennedy Kimathi, for his dedication and guidance throughout the year, during which they learned about the founder, his spirituality, and various aspects of religious life.
This year, the celebration is especially momentous as their founder, Joseph Allamano, will be canonized in Rome on October 20th. These young missionaries have the unique opportunity to join the religious family as their founder is recognized as a Saint.
The first religious profession of these young Consolata missionaries is a testament to their commitment and the enduring legacy of their founder, Joseph Allamano, as they embark on their mission to serve God and humanity across the world.
* Brother Adolphe Mulengezi, IMC, is Congolese student in Communication in Rome, Italy.