The Consolata Missionaries begin their 14th General Chapter in Rome. The meeting takes place from 22 May to 25 June with the participation of the General Directorate, Superiors and Delegates of the thirteen circumscriptions of Africa, Asia, America and Europe.

The Superior General, Father Stefano Camerlengo, officially opened the 14th General Chapter of the Consolata Missionaries on 22 May. The central theme of the meeting is: “You will be my witnesses to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8) as consecrated for the mission ad gentes.
“The Chapter is a prophetic and visionary moment to face the challenges of today’s world, where together we can be more faithful to our charism, marking our common commitment to the mission ad gentes,” urged the Superior General addressing the capitulars. Father Stefano invited everyone to let themselves be “guided by the Spirit of the Risen One”, symbolised by the light of the Paschal candle, which illuminates the path of the missionary disciples to be “an outgoing Church”.
Intercultural Synodality
The XIV General Chapter was attended by 41 missionaries: 24 Africans, 9 Europeans, 6 Latin Americans and 2 Asians, representing 13 circumscriptions. The diversity of backgrounds of the participants in this Chapter shows the multicultural face of the Institute with its related intercultural dynamics. The representatives have different faces and histories, but all of them are identified with the Charism left to us by our Founder, Blessed Giuseppe Allamano: “consecrated for the mission ad gentes for life”. This is a sign of hope.
The path of preparation for the 14th General Chapter has followed a path inspired by the practice of synodality. It began more than a year ago with the preparatory document sent to all missionaries and communities. The biblical inspiration taken from the book of Revelation invited us to listen to “what the Spirit is saying to the Institute today”. With the responses and contributions, the Pre-Chapter Commission and the General Directorate prepared the Lineamenta document, which developed two thematic nuclei: a) Identity and Charism: drinking at its source; b) Mission: an outgoing Institute.
With the contributions from the study of the Lineamenta, the Instrumentum Laboris for the 14th General Chapter was prepared. The main themes are: the missionary in the community (identity and charism); an outgoing Institute (our mission ad gentes); organisation and economy for the mission.
A moment of grace and projection
Celebrated every six years, the General Chapter is a moment of grace in which the Institute pauses to reflect on life and mission ad gentes. In addition to the election of the Superior General and his Council, it is also an opportunity to evaluate the path travelled, make decisions on the organisation and project the future with creativity and renewed missionary zeal.
With its 122 years of history, the Institute of the Consolata Missionaries is today a multicultural and international Congregation with 906 missionaries from 30 countries, living in 231 communities in 29 countries in Africa, America, Asia and Europe.