Brothers Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary turns 75! It is jubilee!

“The virgin inspires me to found the Institute for Brothers”. It is in this way was affirming Monsignor Attilio Beltramino, Consolata missionary, founder of the Institute of the Servi Cordis Immaculati Mariae (SCIM). It is an Institute of diocesan right, founded by the first bishop of the diocese of Iringa in Tanzania back on 31 May 1949. Exactly 75 years have passed since then. It’s jubilee!

By Godfrey Msumange *

On the 8th June 2024, the feast of the Sacred Heart of Mary, celebrations took place in Tosamaganga, where the Institute’s mother house is located. The day saw numerous people, from different parts of Tanzania, gather to thank the Lord for the great things that the Lord has done in these 75 years.

Among others present were the bishop of Iringa Mons. Tarcisius Ngalalekumtwa, the president of the Episcopal Conference of Tanzania and archbishop of Mbeya Monsignor Gervas Nyaisonga, the Apostolic Nuncio Monsignor Angelo Accattino, the Archbishop of Songea Monsignor Damian Dallu, the Bishop of Mpanda Monsignor Eusebius Nzigilwa and the new bishops of Njombe and Mafinga Monsignors Kyando and Mwagalla.

Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish in Tosamaganga, Tanzania. Foto: Archivo SCIM

The Jubilee is a moment of grace, but also a moment to ask for forgiveness for not having been consistent with one’s religious vocation and Christian life. It is above all a moment to renew ourselves, so that, by celebrating the next centenary jubilee, we can grow in number and quality: underlined the superior general of the Institute, Brother Christopher Chavala.

Monsignor Nyaisonga in his homily underlined the importance of having Mary as a model, she who had an immaculate heart. It is so touching, underlined Monsignor Nyaisonga, to note that the founder wanted the brothers to reflect Mary, that is, to have an immaculate heart. Only those who have a clean, pure and immaculate heart can effectively serve the Church and humanity.

In the occasion, it was celebrated also the 50th anniversary of the religious life of brother Gaspar Chongolo.

The institute has the charism of serving humanity holistically, that is, the body and soul in a profound and constant way through catechesis, training, education, construction, and healthcare.

In these 75 years the Institute has counted 143 members. Currently, there are 98 brothers with perpetual vows, 45 temporal vows, 12 novices and 5 postulants and 25 aspirants. They carry out their apostolate in the dioceses of Iringa, Mbeya, Sumbawanga, Mpanda, Mwanza, Geita, Moshi, Mbulu and Dar es Salaam. Blessed Giuseppe Allamano who will soon be canonized on this occasion would have said dearest SCIM brothers, may the Lord bless you, courage and avanti in Domino.  The best is yet to happen!

* Baba Godfrey Msumange, Consolata Missionary.

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