The Consolata missionaries from Weragu, Gambo, Halaba, Modjo joined their brothers in the regional house in Addis Ababa on Monday the 12th, full of zeal, stories, and transformative experiences, with one main goal: coming up with a Region working plan for the next 6 years.
The occasion was also a moment to meet up after a while of being apart from each other. Also with us were members of the General Government from Rome, the General Superior, Fr. James Lengarin, the Vice General Superior, Fr. Michelangelo Piovano, and the General Counsellor for Africa, Fr. Erasto Mgalama.
The actual business began on the 13th with mass presided over by the regional superior, Fr. Tamene Safato and his counselors. In his introductory remarks during mass the superior stressed on the importance of the exercise that the missionaries were about to undertake. He invigorated for the full participation of all the missionaries for this was a project of our lives and goals to be met in the period of 6 years. On his part, the vice regional superior, Fr. Kidane Abebe, in his homily encouraged the members on the need to keep the family spirit and our identity as Consolata missionaries through witnessing by our lives.
Our mission in Ethiopia
The Conference commenced by the superior inviting all members and officially declaring the VIII Regional Conference open. The order of events was presented by the regional superior and unanimously approved by the conference members. The moderators and the secretary of the conference were as well approved and the time keeper elected. For easy working and consultations, members were placed into three working groups: I) Formation (basic and ongoing), missionary animation and vocation; II) Evangelization and ad gentes mission; and III) Our economy for the mission.

The Conference work question was, “What are the most critical points or choices to be considered as urgent for the Ethiopia Region? Which are the indicators to look for? When to act and how to evaluate?”
In his opening remarks in the Conference Hall, after welcoming members of the General Government, Fr. Tamene gave a rough idea of the entire Region on matters current missions and personnel. He in turn invited Fr. Erasto Mgalama who in summary shared the continent prospects and plans. Fr. Mgalama noted that Africa and particularly Ethiopia was the dream land of our Blessed Founder, Joseph Allamano. That the concept of mission was going out to the mission and meeting simple people in their homes. He further pointed out that, Africa is the place of mission and formation. The Counsellor for Africa concluded by encouraging the members of the Conference to embrace the IMC spirit.

Fr. Michaelangelo Piovano on his part briefly shared some information as pertains the regions of Europe and Asia. He then wished the members the very best in their planning.
The General Superior, Fr. James Lengarin, in his introductory remarks gave a broader picture of the entire Institute. The personnel (bishops, priests, brothers and students) and how they are spread out in different places of our missions in the world. He invited the missionaries to live in communion in their various communities caring for each other. He stressed that members should be quick to note that, we are missionaries not because people need us, but because we equally need the people. He concluded by wishing the members well in the discussions and deliberations.
The afternoon was spared for Regional financial report presentation and presentation of the intrumentum laboris. Later members started working by going to their respective groups for deliberations and projections. Presentations of reports as discussed guided by the XIV General Chapter and the Continental Plan were done.

On the third day we were privileged to be visited by His Eminence Cardinal Berhaneyesus Demerew, the local ordinary of Addis Ababa Archdiocese, who shared lunch with us. The Cardinal registered his appreciation for the great work the Consolata Missionaries did and are still doing in Ethiopia. In his rich knowledge in IMC history, he acknowledged the great work done by earlier missionaries and their dedication in the mission. The cardinal encouraged the missionaries to keep the spirit of Blessed Allamano alive in Ethiopia.
Celebrating the Founder’s Feast
On the last day of our Conference, the 16th of February, the Feast of our Blessed Founder, we gathered as Consolata family (IMC and MC). The colorful Eucharistic celebration was presided over by the General Superior. In his homily, Fr. Lengarin encouraged members of the Region to be proud for Ethiopia was the Country that was in the mind of our Blessed Founder. That as much as it is a blessing to the Institute, our Founder’s almost concluded process of Canonization is a more blessing to us who are working in his dream land. Being strong in character, Joseph Allamano was bold enough to found a Congregation for mission.

Besides remarking that such meetings were important as we equally remember to pray for other missionaries in the world more so the sick, he had three main points of reflection:
- Working as IMC. Father General underlined the importance of being conscious of our past, present and future. Through this, we will be able to live the reality of consecrated persons, obedient to our evangelical counsels. That we should always endeavor to transform our problems into opportunities. Our Founder was inspired by family spirit, hence as his missionaries should be a reflection of this style of life. A family that is hostia, serene, ordered and Marian (Beautiful).
- Founder and father. Like Allamano, that we should be united with all members of the Institute, in their joys and suffering. Cultivating the spirit of responsibility and service, making this our priority. Not confusing responsibility with authority. That it is only in deaconia that the ministry of authority can be understood. Each should then take his responsibility positively.
- Love for the people. The Founder had the people in his heart and if he were here and saw us having people at heart, he would be happy. Ours aim as missionaries is to promote men and women of our society.
Father General concluded his reflection by posing a question: How we missionaries are to be witnesses of this love? The day’s scripture responds by commanding us to “GO” and make disciples of all nations. Fr. Lengarin encouraged members to be missionaries of consolation and hope wherever they are and work.
The VIII Regional Conference was concluded in style by a shared lunch as one big family of Blessed Joseph Allamano. Ambassadors and enthusiasts of consolation. It was indeed a great moment of working, sharing, praying, and coming together as sons of the same Father under the patronage of our Lady Consolata.
* Fr. Edgar Nyangiya, IMC, from Kenya, missionary in Ethiopia.