Consolata Missionaries take on a new mission in London

Mass for the installation of the new parish priest of the Parish of Mary Immaculate and St Gregory the Great. Photos: Anthony O’Byrne

On Sunday 23rd February 2025, Fr. Godfrey Msumange was installed as the Parish Priest of Mary Immaculate and St Gregory the Great, new mission of the Consolata missionaries in London.

By Michael Shen and Fr. Godfrey Msumange *

Bishop John Sherrington led the celebration along with the Consolata fathers of the community of Finchley, Enrique Rituerto and Carlo Bonelli, the Fr. Jean-Pascal of the Spiritans missionaries and old friend of the Consolata, Deacon Donal Hopkins.

The colourful event was also blessed by the presence of friends from different parts, including the Consolata friends, from various communities of Africa living in London and the High Commissioner of Tanzania to United Kingdom, His Excellency Mbelwa Kairuki.

Saint Gregory’s parishioners filled the church to welcome their new parish priest with great joy. The Letter of Appointment from the Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster, Vincent Nichols, was read followed by Fr. Godfrey’s Profession of Faith and Oath of Fidelity, the putting of the signatures from both, Fr. Godfrey and Bishop Sherrington, handing the book of the Gospels and the keys of the church.

The offertory procession was joined by a community of Africa, ladies and men with their wonderful song and dance up to the altar with gifts. It was joyous moment.

In his homily the bishop insisted to continue form a church where at the centre are communion, participation and mission. The new parish priest asked parishioners to work together making a community which is strong in faith vibrant, open to the world bearing in mind that the Church exists for evangelizing.

The presence of the Consolata Missionaries in London dates to the year 1952. Numerous missionaries’ students have passed in this city as part of their formation and after the ordination they were sent on mission to various countries where the Consolata missionaries work around the world. From last year, apart from the missionary animation which goes on, the Consolata missionaries have also assumed this parish, which is in the northern part, at the outskirt of the city, the highest point of London known as High Barnet, not far from the former IMC International Seminary in Totteridge.

* Michael Shen and Fr. Godfrey Msumange, IMC, parish priest at High Barnet in London.

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