“To be God’s presence among the people”. Msgr. Peter Makau, new bishop of Isiolo

Welcoming Ceremony of Monsignor Peter Makau into the diocese of Isiolo. Photo: Francisco Martinez

In mission, “despite the challenges we face, we must always accompany God’s people because the people do not see us, but Jesus who is in us. So the closer we are to them, the more God is present. This is an experience that has helped me a lot in my life.”

By Jaime C. Patias*

These are words of Msgr. Peter Munguti Makau, Consolata missionary, in an interview with the Secretariat for Communication in Rome during his first ad limina visit last September.

On Sept. 28, 2024, Pope Francis appointed him titular bishop of the diocese of Isiolo in Kenya where he had been until then coadjutor bishop. The first bishop of that young diocese, created on Feb. 15, 2023, had been Bishop Anthony Mukobo, IMC, who reached canonical age and resigned. 

  In the interview in English, which we publish below, still speaking as coadjutor bishop of Isiolo, Bishop Peter Makau tells us about his history and the path he has taken in different missionary spaces. He recalls his seminary and novitiate years in Kenya; his theology studies in Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo; the challenging mission of Venezuela where he was also superior; and, again superior, the years of presence in the IMC Region of Kenya and Uganda. Then on May 4, 2024 and at the age of 49, Pope Francis appointed him bishop.


Peter Munguti Makau was born May 6, 1975 in Nairobi where he ingressed into the Institute and did his religious formation. He completed his novitiate year in Sagana, Kenya, where he made his first vows on August 6, 1999. Pois did his theological studies in Kinshasa, DR Congo and was ordained presbyter on Nov. 20, 2004 in the Diocese of Machakos (Kenya).

After ordination, he was sent to Venezuela where he worked in pastoral ministry and missionary animation. He served as IMC Superior Delegate for Venezuela for two terms (2014-2019). Then, in 2019 he returned to Kenya as IMC Regional Superior. 

Appointed by Pope Francis as coadjutor bishop of the Diocese of Isiolo in Kenya on May 4, 2024, his episcopal ordination took place on July 27, 2024, at St. Eusebius Cathedral in the Diocese of Isiolo.

Diocese of Isiolo

Located in the central part of Kenya, the diocese has an area of 25,700 km2 and a population of 268,000 of whom 19 percent are Catholic. There are 15 parishes, 74 educational and 11 charitable institutions, including 5 dispensaries and 1 maternity hospital. There are 27 diocesan priests and 6 religious priests working in the Diocese of Isiolo, along with 58 other religious men and women. There are also 10 full-time catechists and many lay people involved in the pastoral care of Christian communities.

* Father Jaime C. Patias, IMC, Secretariat for Communication.

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