Deepening and contextualizing ad gentes in Ivory Coast

Fr Celestino Marandu, current superior of the IMC Delegation in Côte d’Ivoire, and Fr Gregory Mduda. Photos: Ariel Tosoni

The celebration of the V Conference of the Delegation of the Consolata Missionaries in Ivory Coast scheduled for last April finally took place from 23 to 26 September 2024 at the Missionary Animation Center (CAM) in San Pedro.

By Ariel Tosoni *

The meeting was a moment of total review, deep listening, and the development of a common vision for the future of the Delegation, enlightened by the Spirit, by recalling the fundamental, indispensable values ​​of our charism of Consolation.

The Conference, scheduled for last April, was postponed to September due to the unexpected death of the delegate Superior, Father Matteo Pettinari while he was traveling to San Pedro precisely for the preparation of the Conference. This Conference was characterized by the renewed commitment of each missionary to preserve fraternal communion in the prophetic spirit of the Gospel.

Father Celestino Marandu, current superior of the Delegation, opened the Conference and emphasized that “communion in unity of purpose is not limited to a simple exchange of ideas, but implies a personal and mutual responsibility; a commitment to build together the present and future of the Consolata in Ivory Coast”.

The Conference allowed the eleven missionaries present together with Father Erasto Colnel Mgalama, General Councilor for Africa, to share their experiences and reflections, thus strengthening the bonds within the Delegation community.

Missionaries in Côte d’Ivoire with the Friends of the Consolata at San Pedro CAM

The missionaries agreed that to carry out their evangelizing mission it is essential to adopt a collaborative approach and to step out of their comfort zone that neutralizes the grace of a pastoral and missionary conversion. This means listening to all opinions, especially within their local community, and working together to establish clear, concrete and verifiable lines of action.

Thus, the missionaries have reviewed and developed new lines of action to integrate this overall vision into their missionary activities, ensuring that each member feels valued and involved in building a fruitful and contextualized mission ad gentes in Ivorian soil.

Missionaries IMC in Côte d’Ivoire with Fr Erasto Colnel Mgalama, General Councillor for Africa

The traditional welcome offered by the Friends of the Consolata of the CAM of San Pedro who share the missionary spirituality received from the Founder, Blessed Joseph Allamano, was appreciated by all. Their presence at the daily Eucharist and the warm welcome enriched the climate of the Conference, and deepened the collaboration between the missionaries and the Friends of the Consolata in order to strengthen the work of evangelization and missionary animation.

The Conference was a precious opportunity to strengthen fraternal bonds and promote the family spirit, also allowing us to experience true participation, celebrate lasting communion and revitalize the mission ad gentes in a renewed and dynamic way.

* Father Ariel Tosoni, IMC, is an Argentinian missionary in the Ivory Coast.

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