The Exhibition “Joseph Allamano: a Saint among us”, at the Consolata Shrine

The exhibition presents the figure of “Giuseppe Allamano: a saint among us” Photo: Paolo Pellegrini

The exhibition “Joseph Allamano: a Saint among us” was inaugurated at the Consolata Shrine in Turin, on Saturday, September 28, in preparation for the Canonization of Blessed Joseph Allamano, which will take place in Rome October 20. The exhibition was preceded by the Eucharistic celebration presided over by Cardinal Giorgio Marengo, a Consolata missionary from Mongolia.

By Paolo Pellegrini *

Concelebrating with Cardinal Marengo were the Superior of the European Region of the Consolata Missionaries, Father Gianni Treglia, the Rector of the Consolata Shrine, Mons. Giacomo Maria Martinacci, and several Consolata missionaries.

Among the faithful were present  many Consolata missionary Sisters and volunteers from the Consolata Missions Friends association.

During his homily, Cardinal Marengo recalled, as Allamano used to say, that “The saints have allowed the Spirit to carve in them the image of Christ” and that we too can live this dimension of holiness as a free gift following the example of Allamano, starting with the Eucharist which, as he loved to say, “is the most beautiful time of our life”.

Exhibition “Joseph Allamano: a Saint among us”

At the end of the celebration, the exhibition “Joseph Allamano: a Saint among us” was inaugurated in the Cloister of the Consolata Shrine. The exhibition was requested by the Consolata Missionary Institute, with the collaboration of Mission Consolata  Magazine, the Cultures And Mission CAM Centre, and the Foundation Consolata Missions. The exhibition was conceived and created by the communications agency Mediacor, which has been collaborating with the Consolata missionaries for years.

The Exhibition is composed of a set of twelve roll-up panels, which present, through texts, testimonies of missionaries and images, the figure of Joseph Allamano, the journey to his canonization and the Missionary Institutes founded by him. The Exhibition was designed to be easily transported, and can be easily set up everywhere in Italy.

One exhibition set will remain in the Cloister of the Consolata Shrine until the end of October. More of the same are available at the CAM in Turin and can be booked for temporary exhibitions in parishes, oratories, schools or any other place available.

On October 15, the exhibition will be presented to the public at the CAM Centre in Turin and during the same event a new documentary about Joseph Allamano will be presented, that will be part of the exhibitions scheduled throughout Italy.

A QR Code is placed on the exhibition panels, by scanning it will be possible to read the texts in other languages, whose translations will be available in the coming days.

The editing of the texts of the exhibition, taken from the dossier of “Missioni Consolata”magazine, was done by Alberto Chiara, while the graphics of the panels by Danilo Manassero.

* Paolo Pellegrini, Mediacor – Turin 

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