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Consolata Missionaries in Africa
20250116Jackso1 Father Jackson Murugara, IMC, appointed Coadjutor Bishop of Meru he Holy Father has appointed as Coadjutor Bishop of Meru (Kenya) the Rev. Father Jackson Murugara, Consolata Missionary, until now parish priest and Rector of the Consolata Shrine, in the Archdiocese of Nairobi.
20250113Giubileo2 Let’s talk about the Jubilee of Hope Surely we have heard that the year 2025 is the year of the jubilee, or what is also known as the "Holy Year"; in reality, the jubilee began on December 24, 2024, with the opening, by Pope Francis, of the Holy Door of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome and will end with the solemnity of the Epiphany 2026.
Un nomade a cavallo governa il proprio gregge di capre e pecore. Foto Paolo Moiola. Welcome to Mongolia Since 2003, the Consolata missionaries have been working in Mongolia an Asian country five times the size of Italy, but with only three and a half million inhabitants (2.2 people per square kilometer), half of whom live in Ulaanbaatar, a cold and polluted capital, but also full of museums.


20241227CAFMarcelo Formators and formation: Buenos Aires, Father Marcelo De Losa Continuing the series of testimonies of the formators, Father Marcelo De Losa, IMC, presents the Apostolic Formative Community (CAF) of Buenos Aires in Argentina. In 2021, this CAF was transferred from Mendoza in the south of the country to the new Parish of Santo Cura Brochero belonging to the diocese of Merlo-Moreno
20250106Simona4 Pope appoints Sr. Simona Brambilla as Vatican’s first female prefect Pope Francis appoints Sr. Simona Brambilla, an Italian-born religious sister from the Consolata Missionaries, as Prefect of the Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, along with Cardinal Ángel Fernández Artime as Pro-Prefect.
20250103Kokal “Bare Mekoro”, our priest forever The Vicariate of Tucupita in Venezuela remembers the first anniversary of the death of Father Josiah Kokal, a Consolata missionary. The Warao are the second largest ethnic group in Venezuela (after the Wayú group), with an estimated population of about 40 thousand people, who live mainly in the Orinoco River Delta.
20241229Sole1 Solidarity Notes for the Mission On December 26, 2024, the Theatre Tullio Giacconi in Chiaravalle (Ancona - Italy) hosted "Solidarity Notes", a charity musical show sponsored by the municipalities of Monte San Vito and Chiaravalle.
20241212Mauricio Formators and Formation: São Paulo Seminary, Father Luis Mauricio Guevara “I work in São Paulo, in the Ipiranga region, where our International Theological Seminary is located. Here, young men from eight nationalities study theology to prepare for their mission as missionary priests,” explains Father Mauricio Guevara, an Argentine Consolata missionary and rector of the Father Giovanni Battista Bisio Seminary in Brazil.
20261226Mongolia1 Mongolia: a mission that transforms hearts In Mongolia since 2003, the Consolata Missionaries and the Consolata Sisters present their evangelisation activities carried out in that Central Asian country bordering China and Russia. We publish the newsletter sent to friends of the mission on the occasion of Christmas 2024.
20241220Gambo0 Consolata Missionaries exit Gambo Mission The cloud was tense, with a lot of mixed feelings, it was the 15th of December 2024, that marked an historic day in the life of Gambo mission of the region of Ethiopia. However, king Solomon shares his wisdom that:


20250110Wamba3 The Faces Supporting the Mission In Wamba, northern Kenya, among the Samburu community, mission is a shared endeavour. Here, Father Joseph Omondi Omollo, a Kenyan, and Father Ansoni Camacho Cruz, a Mexican, lead a mission that would be impossible without the active participation of local men and women.
20250104Allamano Let us work together to prepare future saints in the Institute As the new year 2025 begins, we are a happy lot. The year 2024 will remain in history as the year in which our Founder Joseph Allamano was canonized. It is a great milestone in our history and we should be proud to have experienced this.
20241210Vincenzo Brotherhood: a fulfilling Vocation Animated by his apostolic zeal and having understood the mission of the Church, St. Joseph Allamano concerned himself with the entire world. He felt the urgency of carrying the gospel to the ends of the earth. In his observation, there were many organizations in the Church devoted to charity, but few dedicated to the mission.
20241127marsabit0 Marsabit in Celebration: 60 Years of the Diocese! It has been 60 years since the founding of the Diocese of Marsabit on November 25, 1964, under the leadership of Bishop Mons. Carlo Cavallera, a Consolata missionary. To mark this jubilee, the Church of Marsabit, together with many friends from near and far, gathered on a rainy day (a sign of blessing) on November 23, 2024.
20241107Nicholas Formators and Formation: Bravetta, Father Nicholas Odhiambo The Office of Ongoing Formation of the Consolata Missionary Institute has organized in the month of September 2024, from 2 to 17, the first of two ongoing formation courses for formators of the novitiate, theology and specialization. The second course is scheduled for September 2028.
20241109Kenya11 The Holiness of Allamano Celebrated in Kenya We are in Kenya where, after a few days of rain, even the sky has thinned out its clouds, to illuminate Saturday, November 9, 2024, the day on which we gave thanks for the canonization of Saint Joseph Allamano with a Eucharist celebrated at the University Campus of Nairobi.
20241028Tanzania5 Tanzania: Allamano’s daughters and sons annual retreat In preparation for Father Joseph Allamano’s canonization, and following the annual programme, the Consolata missionaries (priests, brothers and sisters) gathered together from 1st to 5th of October for their annual Spiritual Retreat. The topic of reflection was on holiness, given by father Dawit Sendabo, IMC from the Ethiopian Region.